My name is Ann Welker. I am running for Suffolk County Legislature in District 2, which runs from Moriches Inlet to Montauk Point, encompassing the towns of East Hampton and most of Southampton.

The reason why I am running for county legislator is that I will leverage the skills gained, lessons learned and relationships built over 6 years as a Southampton Town Trustee and with the support of Bridget Fleming our current Legislator, continue the amazing work she has been doing for the past 8 years as a county Legislator in District 2.


I have been a Southampton Town Trustee for the past 6 years, the first woman ever to serve on this 5 member elected board since 1686.

Working together with the 4 other members of the Trustee Board, we have been able to accomplish many projects, some that had been languishing for more than a decade.


“Women govern in a responsible bipartisan way”


I want to work to improve the environment, to improve water quality, to improve beach access and the quality of our beaches. In order to do that I need your support so I am asking you to come out this November and vote for Ann Welker for Suffolk County Legislator in District 2.


Water Quality

Water quality is of paramount importance on the East End. water quality of our bays, pond, lakes and harbors and the our ocean itself. But not only water quality, we must also be cognizant of our water quantity, as well as our drinking water that comes from aquifers deep under the ground.


Solar Power

Suffolk County is a leader is the use of solar power.  The county has installed many solar panels on County buildings to reduce the utility bills that the County buildings generate.  Any savings on utility bills helps taxpayers, since taxes collected by the County to pay its bills can be spent on other important community requirements.


Watch the campaign video here